Hi, I'm Nilesh Saini

Passionate front-end web developer focused on building beautiful interfaces and experiences.


Here's some stuff I made recently.

Speedcubing Complete

Speedcubing Complete is an educational platform with the mission to help people learn Rubiks' cube and puzzles for free
Learn Practice Repeat

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A Node.js web application project where users can create and review campgrounds. You must Login/Signup to create and review campgrounds.

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Cube Timer

Cube Timer is a Web Application that helps you time your Rubik's Cube Solves. This simple and elegant timer is easy to use and records your solving time and stats.

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OLL and PLL Trainer

Web App that helps you get better at solving the last layer of the Rubik's Cube. With these trainers you can practice 57 OLL Algorithms and 21 PLL Algorithms.

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Meal Finder App

Web app that search and generate random meals from the themealdb.com

Project Specification:

  • Display UI with form to search and button to generate
  • Connect to API and get meals
  • Display meals in DOM with image and hover effect
  • Click on meal and see the details
  • Click on generate button and fetch & display a random meal
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Color Game

Test your knowledge of RGB color codes. Look at the number above, and guess which square matches the RGB code.
(Hint: Remember the first number indicates the amount of RED, the second number indicates the amount of GREEN, and the third number indicates the amount of BLUE.)

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Quiz App

  • Have you ever asked yourself how much you know about the Magic Cube and other twisty puzzles? With this Rubik's Cube Quiz you can answer this question.
  • There are questions about custom twisty puzzles, the inventors, Cubers etc.
  • Give the answers and I promise you will not be redirected to any other site and you won't have to send sms or call anybody to get the results.
  • The score will be displayed automatically on the screen when you finish the quiz.

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Murakami Book Club

A fan made Murakami book club website which helps you find, read, and purchase all Haruki Murakami Books. Read blogs, quotes, and fun facts about the books, their stories and the author form this website.

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Rock Paper Scissor

Accept the challenge and start the Rock Paper Scissor epic fight battle challenge!
Put your best rock paper scissor moves best fighting strategies.

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Star Wars Game

A Star wars version of Whac-A-Mole game. Whac-A-Mole is a popular arcade game and carnival game, originally known as Mogura Taiji in Japan.

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Speed Typing Game

Web App designed to improve your typing skills rapidly. Improve your typing and spellings with this fun game. Beat the clock by showing your typing skills.

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Movie Seat Booking

Web App that display movie choices and seats in a theater to select from in order to purchase tickets.

Project Specification:

  • Display UI with movie select, screen, seats, legend & seat info
  • User can select a movie/price
  • User can select/deselect seats
  • User cannot select occupied seats
  • Number of seats and price will update
  • Save seats, movie, and price to local storage so that UI is still populated on refresh
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Classic Hangman game of guessing words in set amount of chances. You will win the hangman game if you can write the correct word before the figure of the stick man is completed. If not, it will be hanged and game will be finalized.

Project Specification:

  • Display hangman pole and figure using SVG
  • Generate a random word
  • Display word in UI with correct letters
  • Display wrong letters
  • Show notification when select a letter twice
  • Show popup on win or lose
  • Play again button to reset game
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Speech Synthesis

A text to speech app for non-verbal people. Pre-made buttons and custom text speech. This project uses the Web Speech API

Project Specification:

  • Create responsive UI (CSS Grid) with picture buttons
  • Speaks the text when button clicked
  • Drop down custom text to speech
  • Speaks the text typed in
  • Change voices and accents
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Quote Generator

Mobile-first quote generator which leverages the fetch api and proxy urls to address CORS issues.

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Number Guess Game Using Speech

Web App that lets you speak your guess into the microphone using the speech recognition API

Project Specification:

  • Display UI directing user to speak guess
  • Implement speech recognition to listen to mic
  • Process user's guess and match
  • Let user know higher, lower, match or not a number
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Here Are My Details if you wish to get in touch.


** Use the power wisely